Saturday 30 April 2022

तुर्की पुलिस ने पाकिस्तानी समूह द्वारा अगवा किए गए नेपाली पर्यटकों को बचाया

 छह पाकिस्तानियों द्वारा फिरौती के लिए अपहरण किए गए नेपाली पर्यटकों को इस्तांबुल पुलिस ने मुक्त कर दिया है, एक घर पर सुबह की छापेमारी के बाद अपहरणकर्ताओं को तीन दिनों तक रखा गया था डेमिरोरेन न्यूज एजेंसी के अनुसार, पाकिस्तानी समूह ने नेपालियों को बंदूक की नोक पर अपहरण कर लिया था, जब वे तकसीम स्क्वायर में घूम रहे थे , महानगर के महत्वपूर्ण स्थलों में से एक।

 अपहरणकर्ताओं ने उन्हें बंदूकों और हेलिकॉप्टरों से डराकर तीन दिन तक एक घर में रखा और नेपालियों के परिवारों से 10 हजार यूरो की फिरौती मांगी.

 परिवारों ने तुर्की पुलिस से संपर्क किया और अपहरण के बारे में उन्हें सूचित किया।

 बेयोग्लू जिले की पुलिस इकाइयों द्वारा निर्धारित एक योजना के बाद, परिवारों ने अपहरणकर्ताओं के साथ फिरौती देने के लिए मुलाकात की। बैठक में, पुलिस ने एक पाकिस्तानी को पकड़ लिया और पता चला कि अपहरणकर्ताओं को कहाँ रखा गया था।

 26 अप्रैल की सुबह पुलिस ने घर पर धावा बोलकर नेपालियों को बचाया।

Monday 11 April 2022

The History of Hindus Old Real history 2300 B.C and 1500 B.C

 Hindhu is the oldest religion of India. It is also the only religion indigenous to India.

The Hindu tradition includes elements from other religions and philosophies that existed in India at the time. As such, it does not have a single founder or prophet, nor does it contain a uniform set of teachings or practices. Consequently, there are wide variety of schools and beliefs within Hinduism.

Overall, following in the pattern of ancient beliefs from all over world, Hindus believe that their sacred stories are encoded within nature itself--especially in plants and animals--and await discovery as one contemplates on their true meaning with respect and reverence

According to the Vedic texts, Hinduism started in the Indus Valley. It spread throughout India and was then progressively followed by other regions.

The story goes that one night, a man named Rama visited Vaikuntha along with his wife, Sita and brother Lakshmana. While they were there, he learned that Ravana had taken charge of the earth and waged war against humanity. Rama is asked to kill Ravana and restore peace on earth. He has many obstacles on his journey but at last with help from his father (Vishnu), he overthrows Ravana and restores peace on earth.

You can also find references to Hinduism in texts from before 600 BC such as Kautilya's Arthashastra or in a series of

Hinduism is a fascinating religion with diverse gods, goddesses, and legends. Most scholars believe that Hinduism started somewhere between 2300 B.C. and 1500 B.C. in the Indus Valley, near modern-day Pakistan.

Hinduism first appeared as a polytheistic religion where some of the gods were associated with natural forces or phenomenon such as thunder, rain, wind and fire. Later on in history these gods were seen as manifestations of one supreme deity called Brahman which influenced Hinduism to become a monotheistic religion